Hello and welcome

Woman-soul-nature-spiritual-middle age-counselling-seasons-menopause

I’m Andra of Soul Expressions, a spiritual companioning service* designed to support women responding to the call of the soul that arrives in your mid-to-late 30s, and carries you through to your 60s and beyond.

This is a rich time in a woman’s life - a “midlife initiation and awakening” that invites us to our evolving purpose. It’s when peri/menopause arrives. It’s when having a professional “soul friend” like me comes in handy.

With the psycho-spiritual and earth-based wisdom I offer, I can help you shape your unique experiences and stories for the best. This will help you access your own deep wisdom and sense of direction as you embrace the changes that come as you near, enter, and welcome life after 40 with spirit helping guide the way.

With my help, you’ll see the universal themes shaping life chapters and have the opportunity to invite soul to help you accept the present moment, heal the past, and embrace the future with optimism, joy, and even a little magic.

Lighthouse in the fog with turbulent oceans, representative of the Dark Night of the Soul

If you’ve been challenged by the events of the last few years, and your own experiences with life, partnership, family, career, and health, you are not alone. The disruption we’ve experienced as a human collective has rattled us on the inside, and if you are of a maturing generation, your soul may have been poking you regarding your life journey. If you are somewhere between 35 and 55, you have been navigating a midlife initiation while the world changed, and your sense of self and purpose or direction may have been unmoored. So I’m here to help you steer yourself forward again.

Over two decades ago, my own midlife initiation landed me in a dark night of the soul that changed everything…

I have an educational background in psychology and fine art but gave my professional life to other pursuits until I acknowledged my career as a communications professional sucked the life out of me.

At 40, things felt different - everything was the same on the outside, but on the inside, my foundations were rattling and peri-menopause had arrived. Life was calling me away from the known life I had, so I packed up over 20 years of work life as I entered my 40s and asked my higher power to show me the way.

After some epic experiences on the west coast of Canada and the U.S. (like the Oregon coast pictured here), along with immersion into eastern yoga and meditation practices, and training as a spiritual psychotherapist and director, my new professional purpose came into view. 

Re-education, shamanic deaths and initiations, emotional healing, synchronicities and miracles shaped the next decade and by 50, I was deeply anchored in a reinvented self that expressed a more authentic calling beyond my roles as a woman. I embraced my calling as a “wonder witch”, as I allowed my connection to the natural world educate and heal me.

Andra Evans spiritual mentor of Soul Expressions looking out of window pensively

I am now known as a “midlife-midwife of the soul”.

Now into my 60’s, my calling is to listen and give back through service to women like me, surrendered to life’s mysteries, trials, and opportunities. As I honour the gifts of my mystic heart and root deeper into nature’s divine teachings, I’m here to guide and support women on the soul path through chapters of big change. In my humble opinion, the best way to find the way is through alignment with the natural cycles and rhythms of nature and your unique essence and desires.

Your life will prepare you for the later years, so pay attention to your “I’m getting older” inner rumblings - mother nature is calling you to your unique and evolving purpose.

And having a soul friend and midwife-of-the-soul to share the journey with is something I wish I had when my rumblings started in my late thirties.

So let me be that for you.

Have a look at my services and message me to connect.

*What is Spiritual Companioning?

Spiritual companioning is a form of counselling and guidance that honours our existential needs. It’s also called spiritual direction.

When we are searching for meaning or purpose, and have inner drives and are seeking the spiritual lens for things, or we want to open to spiritual perspectives elicited by personal awakenings (which can include noticing patterns in numbers or symbols, having meaningful or repetitive dreams), that’s where spiritual direction comes in.

Partnering with a spiritual companion creates a sanctuary - a “temple of you'“ and your journey where you see your life as sacred with a deeper connection to what matters right now .

My form of counselling is not directive or prescriptive. It is not therapy, and not designed to address mental, emotional or physical health issues better addressed by other health professionals. It honours YOUR sacred life and purpose as it changes through midlife.

Read more about what Spiritual Companioning can help with here.

List of formal education.

Gateway Dreaming logo that reads Dream Your Life Into Being
Infinite Possibilities Certified Trainer logo
Soul Journeys Certified Akashic Record Consultant logo