7) Letting the Light In
Originally published on 30 December, 2017
“Said the river: imagine everything you can imagine, then keep on going.” – Mary Oliver
As I write this, there’s a full moon at my back, a super full moon rising in the eastern winter sky, reflecting light through one of my east-facing windows. I was catching up with an old friend on the phone as the moon rose, huge and bright, as we shared stories about our lives, how we’re completing 2017, and where our sights are focused in 2018. Both of us celebrated the recent winter solstice and the return of sunlight as the new year arrives.
As we chatted, my sight was only on the moon. I took in the wonder I feel when I gaze at what nature has to offer, whether it’s a full moon, the delicate blooms of flowers, the hypnotic multi-sensory experience of a waterfall, or how animals act in their natural environment.
I had just written a blog article for the shop I offer services at about how this moon, and the New Year’s cross into 2018 is a little bit special, depending on how each of us is moving through life. It was my last piece of work for 2017, so it felt good to catch up with a friend before wrapping up the day with this little post.
So in the spirit of the new year energies, for the next few days I’ll be reflecting on how this past year has offered much in growth and challenge and awareness and opportunity and change - not all of it pleasant, a lot of it inspiring, most of it transforming, and all of it landing in a well of gratitude for what will be coming with me into 2018. I invite you to do the same.
One thing I've noticed in my spiritual direction/soul coaching practice is that I saw more people in 2017 who want to live soul centred lives connected to their “soul callings”. And because we don't really teach that in school or value it in modern life, I and my colleagues have noticed an increase in people wanting holistic body-mind-soul supports for aspects of life that our modern-day institutions don't really supply.
So as we end one calendar year and get ready for a new one, my heart goes out to anyone who wants to live more true to themselves, or authentically. Or, like me a decade ago, who wants to explore what makes them come alive.
In January, I will be offering some events locally in Toronto at The Rock Store, teaching people how to align with nature’s rhythms for better flow in 2018. And stay tuned to my Soul Expressions practice as it gets a facelift and a new logo over the winter! These are the ventures that feed my sense of purpose and fulfillment today, and as a work-in-progress, the things that will carry me into more love, prosperity, and joy in the coming days, weeks, and months.
For now though, I wish everyone reading this the love you desire as we enter 2018. Time to release 2017's lessons and prayers into a full moon fire ceremony.
Photo by Joshua Newton